The Attic

The manuals, brochures, pamphlets and other materials here have been scanned in reasonably high resolution, and are a single PDF file, unless otherwise noted. As such, the file sizes tend to run on the large side. For each item, the number of pages in the file, the size of the file, and an approximate date of the item are given.


Click on a manufacturer's name to access a page for that manufacturer. After each manufacturer's name is a quick description of the items for which information is available.

Acoustic Research - AR-9 loudspeaker owner's reference manual and other documents, AR speaker fusing, 5-year warranty, various Acoustic Research loudspeaker reviews (up to and including the AR-LST and AR-9)
Advent - Larger and Smaller loudspeakers, reviews for Larger, Smaller and Powered loudspeakers
Cecil E. Watts - record cleaning booklet
Dual - models 1215 and 1218 turntables - owner manuals
General Radio (GenRad) - model 650A impedance bridge - owner and service manuals
ITT Schaub-Lorenz - Touring International radio - service booklet, schematic, printed circuit board layout
Kenmore - model 13402 sewing machine - user manual, quick start guide
Lear Dynaport - model WC-311D radio, phonograph, magnetic wire recorder - service instructions
McIntosh - model MR-78 tuner - owner manual, with technical overview
Philco - model 37-640 radio - service notes with schematic
Precision Apparatus Company - models 910, 912, 914, 915, 920, 922, 954 Dynamic Electronometer (tube tester) - owner and service manuals
RCA - models 80 and 82 Radiola radios - owner and service manuals
Top 100 Song Lists - Top 100 song lists from various radio stations (WXCI, WLIR/WDRE, WDHA, WXPK, WMRQ) and various years (1979, 1980, 1984, 1989, 1990, 1995. 2011. 2013 thru 2024).
United States 102nd Cavalry (H-Mecz) - a few items from the 102nd Cavalry (H-Mecz), circa 1940's. Included are a picture of the 102nd (H-Mecz) regiment, and a book United States Army, "102 United States Cavalry (H-MECZ) 1942" (1942). World War Regimental Histories. Book 65. The D-Day map of the Campaign in Western Europe (1942 through 1945), and the personnel listing for the Campaign.
Miscellaneous items - a behind the scenes look at the 1980 Pink Floyd The Wall concert, assorted computing items from the microcomputer era of the 1980's, info about Staten Island Rapid Transit (SIRT), and miscellaneous magazine articles, including a 1989 Bill Gates interview.